What we do at heart
BRR is nonprofit organization, and everything goes back to the community.

Sickel Cell Disease Patient Care Society
Bahrain Society for SCD Patients Care is a community-based voluntary organization established in 2006 by Sickle Cell patients. The Society is dedicated to eliminating Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) as a health problem by preventing SCD, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from SCD, through research, education, advocacy and awareness.
The Society partners with the Ministry of Health to provide hope, and is making progress through research. The Society empowers people to make informed decisions while advocating for the highest quality of live for SCD patients and their families.
BRR’s continuation of BHD 21,000 will help the Society acquire a blood exchange dialysis machine. The machine, which will be hosted at the Genetic Blood Diseases Medical Center, Salmaniya Hospital, will serve 18,000 SCD patients in Bahrain. It will help alleviate the patients suffering by reducing the average wait time for a blood exchange procedure from 3 months to 2 days. More over, the blood exchange procedure, which was done manually in 48 hours with a lot of pains, will now be reduced to 45 minutes and the patients will be free to continue their normal lifestyle.
Learn more at their website www.scdbh.net and by following the campaign #Run4SickelCell
AlRashad Center for Autism
BRR donated physiotherapy equipments for the children to use plus port-a-cabin.

AlSanabil Orphanage
BRR donated 10 laptops.
AlWafa Center
BRR donated Apple computer laptop and color photocopier.

Bahrain Down Syndrome Society
BRR donated air conditioners, printer and Toshiba equipments.
Ministry of Social Development
Equipment donation.